March 1990
CeBIT trade show - Hannover, Germany
Bill, showing MCI Mail to a potential customer and
Allan (checking his mail)
March 1990
CeBit trade show - Hannover, Germany
Mitch Hellman
Mitch traveled the world for MCI International in the late 1980s and early 1990s as an International Support specialist for MCI Mail - in the days before the public internet, international dial-up access and e-mail attachments. He worked tirelessly training and supporting the MCI Mail distributors and MCI International's offices.
March 1990
CeBIT - Hannover, Germany
Dana (caught checking her mail on the stand!)
span >
Telecom '91 - Geneva, Switzerland
Remember something called X.400?
September 1991 - Lyon, France
Mitch Hellman presenting at a meeting of the MCI Mail International distributors in Lyon.
April 1994
Società Italiana Telematica Applicata S.r.l (S.I.T.A.)
the MCI Mail distributor for Italy
Which oddly still has an active link related to MCI Mail:
April 1994
Renato and Francesco - S.I.T.A. Italy
April 1994
Vishna - S.I.T.A. Italy
April 1994
TenFour Sweden, which became TFS Tech
the MCI Mail distributor for the Nordic region of Europe
Krister and Göran
TenFour Sweden- ca. 1997
April 1994
the MCI Mail distributor for Morocco
the MTDS web site - today
the MTDS web site - ca. 1998
a group photo from the last International MCI Mail
distributor meeting in Dallas, Texas
And on this link you can find a copy of the last listing of MCI Mail's International Distributors, from 1996.
This is bizarre having a blog about the "good ol' days" at MCIMail.
I used to work at the Rosslyn NOC for Mario Loza and Bill Watts then moved to customer support reporting to Suzanne Martin and Leslie Lampe. Officially, I was the technical support specialist. For the most part, I played a big role in getting MCIMail working overseas. Mitch Hellman can protest all he wants but I knew more about getting those modems to connect to Telenet and Tymnet from overseas, especially with Lotus Express. Easn't that codenamed Woodchuck or soemthing like that?
BTW, one the NOC shift leaders is one very successful guy. Luke McCormanck is now the CIO of Immigrations and Customs Enforcement.
Ramon Bautista
I was at the Telecom 91 show in Geneva and recognized by some of the guys from the London office. By that time, I was working for ITU and was introduced as the Lotus Express expert. eeeewwww!
Wow, I just found this online filling an application for SBA.
I also worked at NOC in Rosslyn in Bill Watts group. There were an African American in that group i forgot his name. I saw picture of some people that I remembered like Vint, Bob and Libby.
David (Hassan) Dastvar
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